Lunch and Table Discussions

12:00pm – 1:30pm

Attendees should register to participate in a lunch table discussion. You can discuss issues with other business and finance colleagues to share ideas, best practices and solutions to problems. There will be a facilitator for each topic but discussions will be driven primarily by your comments and questions. When you make your lunch selection, you will be able to select a first and second choice lunch table topic.

Potential topics are listed below. Final topics will be determined based on attendees’ selections.

  • Issues with Purchasing and Payables Handoffs (OBFS Purchasing and University Payables)
  • Working with the Travel Expense Management (TEM) System (OBFS University Payables)
  • State Procurement Changes (OBFS Purchasing)
  • iBuy Tips, Tools and Issues (OBFS Purchasing)
  • Issues with Pre- and Post-Award Handoffs (OVCR Office of Research Services and OBFS Grants and Contracts Office)
  • Issues with Tuition Waiver Taxation (OBFS University Payroll Services)
  • Managing Your Accounts Receivables (OBFS University Student Financial Services and Cashier Operations)
  • Issues with Federal Compliance (OBFS Grants and Contracts Office)
  • Effort Reporting Best Practices (OBFS Grants and Contracts Office)
  • Setting Service Rates to Avoid Excess Funds (OBFS University Accounting and Financial Reporting and Michael Moss, OBFS Grants and Contracts Office)
  • Using Available Data to Support Business Practices (Office of Institutional Research)
  • Developing Leadership Skills to Manage College/Unit Employees and Operations (UIC Human Resources)
  • Transitioning Employees from Academic Professional to Civil Service (UIC Human Resources)
  • Job Analysis Q & A (UIC Human Resources)
  • Update on SURS and Pension Reform (UIC Human Resources)
  • Reporting Best Practices (AITS Decision Support)
  • Issues Associated with Searches for Visiting Staff Especially Related to Grants Funding (Office of Access and Equity)
  • New Business Manager Resources (OBFS TPDC&P)
  • Issues with Facilities and Services (Facilities Management)
  • Shadow Billing Systems (Facilities Management)
  • Business Development Services and Revenue/No-Fund Agreements (OBFS Business Development Services)
  • Maintaining Work-Life Balance (Laura Knights, Center for Literacy)

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